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"News You Can Use" <> March 13, 2017

Hello Physicians: Click here to watch my latest video update, recorded last Wednesday, March 8. In it I discuss the American Health Care Act (AHCA), introduced by House Republicans on March 6 (0.11); AMA’s position on the AHCA (0.53); CMA’s position on the AHCA (1.02); Dr. Ted Mazer discussing the AHCA on KUSI (1:14); 2-1-1 San Diego featured in our February San Diego Physician magazine (1:50); the San Diego Hunger Coalition, to be featured in our March magazine (3:16); and how you can get more involved with your SDCMS ...

"News You Can Use" <> February 10, 2017

Physicians: Next Tuesday, February 14, is Love Your Heart Day, and we need your help in reaching the County’s goal of surpassing 35,000 blood pressure screenings in one day! Love Your Heart is a countywide blood pressure screening event with the goal of getting San Diego County residents to “know their numbers” and take charge of their own heart health. Participating as a health partner is free and easy. Click here to download a simple tally sheet that your staff can use to record your patients’ blood pressure values. At ...

"News You Can Use" <> January 12, 2017

Physicians: Last year, CMA co-sponsored Prop. 56 to save lives and improve access to quality medical services for all Californians. Gov. Brown’s proposed state budget (click here for details) would divert Prop. 56 tobacco tax funds to cover the state’s general fund obligations, despite the fact that California voters overwhelmingly supported improving Medi-Cal payments to ensure that patients can see a doctor when and where they need one. With more than 14 million Californians — one in three — relying on Medi-Cal to provide basic healthcare and specialty care for ...

"News You Can Use" <> December 16, 2016

Hello Physicians: Click here to watch my latest (1'45") video update. Thank you to all San Diego County physicians who’ve renewed their SDCMS-CMA memberships for 2017. Bipartisan support of organized medicine has never been more important than it is now, with Democrats soon to hold super-majorities in both houses in Sacramento and Republicans set to take control of both houses in Congress. We need every physician’s voice to protect the practice of medicine and our patients’ health and wellbeing. Thank you for your commitment to doing right by your ...

"News You Can Use" <> November 23, 2016

Hello Physicians: Click here to watch my latest (3'15") video update, where I speak about the recent passing of Dr. Richard Butcher, 48-year member of SDCMS-CMA and champion of San Diego’s poor and disadvantaged, the results of CMA’s eight 2016 ballot measure endorsements, and a new program SDCMS and others will launch in early 2017 to help patients in San Diego fight food insecurity. Thank you, as always, for your support of SDCMS-CMA, and have a great Thanksgiving! Mihir Parikh, MD, President, SDCMS   WHAT TO KNOW … ...

"News You Can Use" <> November 4, 2016

Hello Physicians: Click here to watch my latest video update where I talk about CMA’s annual HOD meeting [0:09]; MACRA [0:43] and MOC [1:22]; Dr. Ted Mazer’s being elected CMA president-elect [2:09] and Dr. Lase Ajayi’s being inducted as CMA YPS chair [2:25]; AB 72 confusion and resources [2:42]; the upcoming general election [3:40]; and medical missions’ being highlighted in the December issue of San Diego Physician magazine [4:26]. Thank you to those who joined us last night at our latest physician social at Rock Bottom Brewery in La Jolla. ...