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NCYU July 7, 2024

  TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024 PHYSICIANS: On January 1, 2024, the first phase of Medi–Cal provider rate increases took effect as a result of the 2023–24 budget deal. But, because implementing the rate increases required system and contract updates, health plans had been given additional time to start making the payments. On June 20, 2024, California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) issued guidance in All Plan Letter 24–007 to Medi–Cal managed care plans on implementation of the 2024 Medi–Cal Targeted Rate Increase Fee Schedule and the retroactive payments for claims with dates ...

NYCU June 25, 2024

  TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 PHYSICIANS: Let me draw your attention to an excellent article on the stakes and latest developments related to the need to significantly increase Medi–Cal funding and the California Medical Association–led ‘Protect Access to Care’ Initiative which has now officially qualified for the November ballot. This initiative is of tremendous importance and will be the top advocacy priority of CMA and San Diego County Medical Society for this year. SAN DIEGANS ELECTED TO KEY OFFICES AT AMA CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO   Six California physicians were elected to American Medical Association [AMA] leadership ...

NYCU May 28, 2024

  TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024 PHYSICIANS: The County’s Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) team would like to share with SDCMS the latest edition of their quarterly newsletter, found at OD2A Quarterly Newsletter Winter 2023. This quarter’s theme is transition and includes information about the transition of the County’s CDC–funded OD2A program to the Overdose Surveillance and Response (OSAR) program. The Winter 2023 OD2A newsletter also contains information about how prescribers can earn continuing medical education (CME) credits by completing the OD2A–developed opioid stewardship academic detailing modules, featuring a special CURES 2.0 module. Additionally, ...

NYCU April 16, 2024

  TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2024 PHYSICIANS: Physicians for a Healthy California is now accepting nominations for its annual Health Equity Leadership Awards which will be presented at the Health Equity Leadership Awards Reception on July 11, 2024, during the Health Equity Leadership Summit. All nomination forms and accompanying materials must be submitted by May 3, 2024 to healthequitysummit@phcdocs.org. Honorees will be notified of the selection decision by May 31, 2024. Honorees or a representative must be present at the Health Equity Leadership Summit Leadership Awards Reception on Thursday, July 11, 2024, in Sacramento to ...

NYCU April 2nd, 2024

  TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2024 PHYSICIANS: Congratulations to Adama Dyoniziak, Executive Director of Champions for Health, for being named one of California’s 2024 ‘TB Elimination Heroes.’ Adama received this honor from the California TB Controllers Association (CTBA). Champions recently held a highly successful San Diego in–person TB Prevention Education and Community Engagement Summit that brought together providers and representatives from community–based organizations to learn more about TB prevention, share practices for engagement of communities at risk, and develop a community action plan. In addition, Champions for Health has successfully partnered with the County ...

NYCU May 24, 2023

  WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 PHYSICIANS: I wanted to take a moment to highlight some upcoming and ongoing opportunities for General and Family Medicine physicians and residents, regarding section 1263 of the ‘Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023’. Beginning June 27, 2023, new or renewing Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registrants are required to have at least one of the following:     A total of eight hours of training from certain organizations on opioid or other substance use disorders for practitioners renewing or newly applying for a registration from the DEA to prescribe any Schedule II-V ...