
Send us an email at NYCU@SDCMS.org to sign up for our bi-weekly e-newsletter!

NYCU May 28, 2024

  TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024 PHYSICIANS: The County’s Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) team would like to share with SDCMS the latest edition of their quarterly newsletter, found at OD2A Quarterly Newsletter Winter 2023. This quarter’s theme is transition and includes information about the transition of the County’s CDC–funded OD2A program to the Overdose Surveillance and Response (OSAR) program. The Winter 2023 OD2A newsletter also contains information about how prescribers can earn continuing medical education (CME) credits by completing the OD2A–developed opioid stewardship academic detailing modules, featuring a special CURES 2.0 module. Additionally, ...

NYCU February 21, 2024

  WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 PHYSICIANS: The San Diego Braver Angels Alliance is hosting ‘Skills for Disagreeing Better’, a free workshop Saturday, March 16th from 10am to Noon. The program goals include developing understanding of the values and concerns of people who differ from you politically; building better skills for listening in a way so that the other person feels heard; and better skills for sharing viewpoints in a way so that the other person might hear — even if they disagree. You can REGISTER HERE. REGISTRATION FOR SAN DIEGO’S TB PREVENTION EDUCATION ...

NYCU October 24, 2023

  TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2023 PHYSICIANS: SDCMS is looking for a Retired Member who would be interested to serve as Co–Chair of the Champions for Health (CFH) Retired Physicians Society and work with Dr. Mits Tomita, the Chair, to reboot this valued group. The Society provides retired and non–practicing physicians a network to stay connected with the medical community, remain current with health issues, and give back to the community. Offering regular sessions on current issues important to the healthcare community, as well as social opportunities. Retired physicians can volunteer in the ...