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NYCU May 12, 2020

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2020 PHYSICIANS:  There will be no HHSA Clinical Town Hall Webinar on COVID–19 this week. The next Clinical Town Hall will be held on Thursday, May 21st, from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Remember, REGISTRATION is required. If you’ve registered previously there is no need to do so again. There has ...

NYCU April 28, 2020

TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2020 PHYSICIANS:  Hotels for Healthcare Workers, the Non–Congregate Sheltering for Healthcare Workers Program, is now available and provides hotel rooms to frontline healthcare workers who are exposed to or test positive for COVID–19. These hotel rooms are in close proximity to medical facilities so healthcare workers avoid potentially spreading the virus ...

NYCU April 14, 2020

TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2020 PHYSICIANS:  SDCMS wants to hear feedback from physicians who are seeking Small Business Administration forgivable loans for their practices — on how well the process has worked for them or whether they have had problems and, if so, how significant. The San Diego County Medical Society and California Medical Association ...

NYCU March 31, 2020

TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2020 PHYSICIANS:  The California Medical Association has put together an extremely helpful and important document “Financial Assistance for Medical Practices During the COVID–19 Pandemic” which is being updated frequently and you can access here. The American Medical Association has created a Health Care Highlights document discussing how the CARES ...