Local News


Trial Lawyers Submit Ballot Initiative to Overturn MICRA

Late yesterday, California’s trial attorneys made good on their May threat to ask voters to repeal California’s landmark Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA). Language was submitted to the California Attorney General in Sacramento, the first step in placing an initiative on the ballot. The initiative’s main provision would increase the cap on speculative, “non-economic” damages from the current $250,000 to more than $1.2 million with automatic increases every year. The measure filed yesterday is nothing more than a self-serving attempt by trial lawyers to generate more in legal fees. CMA ...

Join the Fight to Protect Medicine

Your Voice Is Key to Our Success Critical issues affecting today’s physicians are being debated in the legislative arena at a fast and furious pace. MICRA, scope of practice, Medi-Cal, and the corporate bar are just a few of the vital issues being debated and voted on by decision-makers in Sacramento. CMA has some of the best lobbyists, lawyers, and other advocates in the Capitol, but the most powerful weapon in advancing the cause of physicians and their patients is you. Understand the issues, and know the arguments — hearing from physicians with experience from the frontlines of medicine can make all the difference for a legislator facing a ...

CMA White Paper on Opioid Prescribing

The California Medical Association (CMA) has released a white paper titled "Opioid Analgesics in California: Relieving Pain, Preventing Misuse, Finding Balance," a report on the use of opioid medications. California, along with the nation, is faced with a serious healthcare dilemma about opioid use and abuse. The white paper discusses how to use opioid medications to relieve pain safely and effectively, while simultaneously reducing the risk of prescription medication misuse, addiction, and overdose. “Physician, patients, law enforcement, and the general public need accurate information about appropriate opioid use,” said Paul R. ...

Physician Resources for Contracting With Exchange Plans

The following information and resources will help prepare practices for contracting with health plans that are participating in Covered California, the state’s health benefit exchange. Current CMA Resources 1. CMA’s Got You Covered: A Physician’s Guide to Covered California, the State’s Health Benefit Exchange. This resource is free for members and includes the following: Background and overview of the ACA and the exchange. A discussion of the exchange participation eligibility, essential health plan benefits, and timeline for implementation. Clarification of physician’s rights ...

Multistate Hepatitis A Outbreak Associated With Frozen Berry Blend

Date: June 12, 2013 Federal, state, and local health departments continue to investigate a national hepatitis A virus (HAV) outbreak involving 87 people in eight states associated with consumption of Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend frozen berries sold by Costco stores. Twelve San Diego County residents have been reported with confirmed hepatitis A after consuming the implicated product; seven were hospitalized. Illness onset dates range from March 31 to May 31, 2013. Case reports are expected to increase given the 15–50 day incubation period for hepatitis A. Click here for ...

Learn About the New SDCMS.org

SDCMS Members: Contact SDCMS today at (858) 565-8888 or at Membership@SDCMS.org to obtain your login username and password. Click Here to Log in and Update Your Profile Once logged in, you'll be able to update your profile, access members-only benefits like our robust practice management FAQ database, and so much more! Your SDCMS Membership Team: Contact Marisol Gonzalez (left), your director of membership support and your physician advocate, at (858) 300-2783 or at MGonzalez@SDCMS.org. Contact Brandon Ethridge (center), your director of membership operations, at (858) 300-2778 or ...

Top Doctors 2013

“Physicians of Exceptional Excellence” SAN DIEGO COUNTY PHYSICIANS: The San Diego County Medical Society (SDCMS) invites you to participate in the selection process for “Physicians of Exceptional Excellence,” Top Doctors 2013. SDCMS leadership wishes the selection process to be fair, open, and honest for physician peers selecting the top 5% of the active, board-certified (as of January 1, 2013) San Diego County physicians in any specialty where there are more than 20 such physicians. STEPS FOR SECURE, INTERNET-BASED VOTING: SDCMS Member Physicians: Click Here to Vote: Log in using your password, ...

Act Now to Avoid Medicare Penalties in 2015

By the California Medical Association (CMA) Over the past six years, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has launched a number of initiatives that offer physicians the opportunity to increase their net revenue by participating in quality reporting programs. Until now, these programs have been voluntary, and physicians have received bonuses for participating. That’s about to change. Failure to participate now means physicians could face significant penalties. The American Academy of Family Physicians estimates that participating in these initiatives in 2013, rather than waiting until 2014, could save a ...

Prescription Drug Abuse

An Interview With Thomas P. Lenox, Supervisory Special Agent, Drug Enforcement Administration By Roneet Lev, MD Dr. Lev, SDCMS-CMA member since 1996, is chair of the Prescription Drug Abuse Medical Task Force, current director of operations for the Scripps Mercy Hospital Emergency Department, current chair of the SDCMS Emergency Medicine Oversight Commission (EMOC), and past president of the California chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (CAL/ACEP). Part 1 of 2 — Be sure to read Part 2 of this interview in the May issue of San Diego Physician magazine. Dr. Lev: ...

Novel Avian Influenza A (H7N9) in China

By CAHAN San DIego May 2, 2013 On April 1, 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported the first known human infections with a novel avian influenza A (H7N9) virus almost exclusively in China. As of May 2, 128 human cases of influenza A (H7N9) virus infection have been laboratory-confirmed, including 26 deaths. While investigations are ongoing, there is currently no evidence that the virus has become easily transmissible from person to person. Most cases have been reported in the eastern part of China, with the highest case counts in the provinces ...