Local News


Continuing Nationwide Shortage of Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST) Antigen

August 28, 2013 This CAHAN is intended to assist local providers in screening for tuberculosis (TB) during the ongoing shortage of TST antigen products licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has informed health departments that TUBERSOL® (Sanofi Pasteur Limited) will not be produced at normal levels until “sometime in the fall, perhaps October” (1). The alternative TST antigen product, APLISOL® (JHP Pharmaceuticals), is only available in extremely restricted quantity and remains on allocation for all providers. Based on these shortages, the ...

Medicare Transition on September 16, 2013!

September 16, 2013, is the cutover date for transition of the Medicare Part B fee-for-service contractor from Palmetto GBA to Noridian. Although every effort has been made to minimize the burden to practices and to ensure that physicians continue to receive their Medicare payments in a timely fashion after transition, physician practices will have to make some changes in their processes, including but not limited to: Electronic claim submitters must change the Contractor ID (Payor ID) on their transmissions. The new ID for Northern California jurisdiction ...

ICD-10 Transition: Are You Prepared?

On October 1, 2014, the ICD-9 code sets used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures will be replaced by ICD-10 codes sets. Following are the top 10 questions physicians should be asking themselves about the ICD-10 transition: Do I have an ICD-10 implementation plan? Do I have an ICD-10 implementation champion / person-in-charge in my office? Has my ICD-10 champion signed up for one of the two SDCMS orientation sessions being held on September 18 and 19? ...

Medicare Transition Is One Month Away!

September 16, 2013, is the cutover date for transition of the Medicare Part B fee-for-service contractor from Palmetto GBA to Noridian. Although every effort has been made to minimize the burden to practices and to ensure that physicians continue to receive their Medicare payments in a timely fashion after transition, physician practices will have to make some changes in their processes, including but not limited to: Electronic Claim Submitters Must Change the Contractor ID (Payor ID) on Their Transmissions: The new ID for Northern California jurisdiction ...

Help With Getting Your EHR Incentive Payment

Knowledgeable staff will be onsite to assist primary care providers and office staff to complete the meaningful use attestation — FREE OF CHARGE. Sign up early so we can help you prepare the required materials.* WHEN: Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 6:00am – 9:00pm • BY APPOINTMENT ONLY WHERE: San Diego County Medical Society, 5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 250, San Diego CA 92123 *REQUIREMENTS: Family Practice, General Medicine, Internal Medicine, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, and Primary Care CMS EHR Incentive Program Registration Prior to September 10, 2013 ...

Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) in San Diego County in 2013

Date: August 9, 2013 Thirteen (13) San Diego County residents have been diagnosed with confirmed or probable Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) during the first seven months of this year. Nine confirmed cases were culture-positive for Neisseria meningitidis. Four probable cases had clinical disease and positive PCR testing for N. meningitidis after no culture growth. Since 2003, the number of confirmed or probable IMD cases reported annually among San Diego County residents ranged from 4 to 19, with an average of 12. Recent IMD cases emphasize the need for both clinicians and laboratories to report suspect ...

Nurse Practitioner Bill Fails in Committee

On behalf of the California Medical Association (CMA) and the Coalition for Patient Access and Quality Care, CMA President Paul R. Phinney, MD, issued the following statement after SB 491 failed to pass out of the Assembly Committee on Business, Professions, and Consumer Protection: “The 37,000 members of CMA and the dozens of groups aligned in the Coalition for Patient Access and Quality Care applaud the members of the Assembly Committee on Business, Professions, and Consumer Protection for their work today. SB 491 would have allowed nurse practitioners to practice ...

Don't Lose Your TDC Discount!

SDCMS MEMBER PHYSICIANS: YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PREMIUM DISCOUNT if you are insured by The Doctors Company (TDC) and you have NOT completed at least one approved risk management program in the past two years — at least 60 days prior to your policy renewal date! Please act today! CONTACT SDCMS IF: You do not know whether or not you are receiving a TDC discount. You do not know if you have completed at least one approved risk management program in the ...

Medicare Contractor Transition Resources

September 16, 2013 — Are You Prepared? CMA has put together the following resources to prepare member physicians and their staffs for the transition of Medicare contractors (Part B) from Palmetto to Noridian on September 16, 2013. Current CMA Resources CMA’s Medicare Transition Webpage — CMA has created a dedicated Medicare transition webpage, offering practices the ability to access updates and important information regarding the transition in one easy-to-access to location. All resources related to the Medicare transition will be accessible through this CMA webpage. CMA’s ...

Medicare SGR and GPCI Bill Clears Committee

Medicare Locality Reform ("The California GPCI Fix") Clears House Congressional Committee As Part of the Medicare SGR Overhaul Legislation On July 31, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted unanimously to approve a BIPARTISAN Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) overhaul legislation, HR 2810. Included in the bill is the CMA-sponsored California Medicare locality reform known as the “California GPCI Fix.” The California locality provision is a compromise between Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Ranking Democrat Henry Waxman (D-CA) who insisted the California update be part of the committee bill. ...