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CMA Foundation Celebrates “Get Smart About Antibiotics Week”

The week of November 14–20, 2016, is “Get Smart About Antibiotics Week” — a campaign to highlight the problem of antibiotic resistance and importance of appropriate antibiotic use. Every year at least 2 million Americans become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and at least 23,000 people die from these infections. With the emergence of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the United States earlier this year, addressing antibiotic stewardship is more important than ever. This cold and flu season, the California Medical Association (CMA) Foundation’s Alliance Working for Antibiotic Resistance Education (AWARE) project reminds physicians and patients to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics.

AWARE is a long-term project of the CMA Foundation, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Since its inception, AWARE’s goals have aimed to:

  • Increase appropriate prescribing of antibiotics;
  • Raise consumer awareness and understanding about the appropriate use of antibiotics; and
  • Mobilize the community to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics.

To combat the overuse of antibiotics, the CMA Foundation maintains the “AWARE Toolkit” mobile app containing clinical guidelines for appropriate antibiotic use. The app is free for both Android and iOS platforms in the Google Play and iTunes stores and is a great resource for physicians looking to access the latest prescribing guidelines at their fingertips. Physicians and patients may also access the complete 2016–2017 AWARE Toolkit along with other resources at www.aware.md.

You can get involved in this year’s Get Smart About Antibiotics Week by using #AntibioticSmart on Facebook and Twitter, and by liking and sharing Get Smart Week content from the CMA Foundation social media pages.

For more information, contact Veronica Mijic at (916) 779-6624 or vmijic@thecmafoundation.org.

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